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circumlocutious OP t1_j1w4avy wrote

Like I said, if you presoak your rice then 2:1 is too much.

Also you can’t make a biryani that way, for instance, Sometimes you definitely need to drain parcooked rice for a recipe.


TheShwi t1_j1w6bxy wrote

Next you tell me rice in a bag is a good thing


TheShwi t1_j1w610g wrote

Who eats parboiled rice? Disgusting. We dont presoak, we wash and use our finger knuckle for water measurement.


circumlocutious OP t1_j1wem96 wrote

You parboil it THEN continue steaming it with cooked meat etc in spices. It’s called a biryani… sigh


ww11gunny t1_j1wgach wrote

Maybe you should of said that in the original post.


Telemere125 t1_j1xvpr7 wrote

People who don’t need extra arsenic in their diet should generally choose parboiled or boil and drain their rice and finish cooking