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t1_j1ybulh wrote

OMG! I have been trying to figure out how that perfectly separated rice is made for soooooooo long. No matter what type of rice I try it’s just the same sticky mushy thing in the end. And every person I ask just suggests trying a different type of rice. 🙄 And really… as an adult you can’t really ask how to make rice that many times without being judged 😅

Is there a name for the technique? Does it have to be long grain rice or can it be generic or jasmine? How much water and how long do you usually boil it for? And do you put anything else in the water?

Tell me your secrets to non-mushy rice!!!


t1_j1yqsla wrote

If you like grainy, drier rice, try the more expensive option of basmati and use a ratio of 1 to 1, with a splash more of water. Works like a charm. Jasmine doesn't cook thoroughly for me when I withold water from the ratio but you can achieve drier rice with Jasmine as well, I just think it's easier with Basmati.


OP t1_j1yh988 wrote

I’m out here enjoying long, separated rice every time but most people here think I know nothing about cooking rice, so idk, I have no legitimacy lmao


t1_j23sh4d wrote

How long do you boil it for?


OP t1_j249yh4 wrote

I boil it in salted water (with a dash of oil) for about 7 minutes - it should be 80% done then. You can also take out a grain and press it between your fingers, or taste it - it should have a bit of bite to it and break.