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gillis_dan t1_j29yn02 wrote

Is there any particular reason you're feeling burnt out? I had a massive anxiety and stress problem that got a lot better with medication and meditation, but the real source was a bad job with a bad boss.


questionsasked22 OP t1_j29yt6y wrote

Definitely stress from school and the search for jobs!


Em_Adespoton t1_j2a0g8m wrote

Volunteer somewhere. Doing something productive that benefits others that they appreciate is a huge boost when feeling drained from the study grind and putting yourself out there for someone to hire.


questionsasked22 OP t1_j2a166m wrote

Love this idea - didn’t think of this, but will def try this out. Have volunteered previously and it felt very very nice!


Em_Adespoton t1_j2a2cyb wrote

I’ve also got jobs based on relationships I made while volunteering, so it can be a win-win-win.