Submitted by questionsasked22 t3_zz7hd0 in LifeProTips
Been feeling burned out and have realized rest is not equal to rejuvenation. Any suggestions on I can escape a burnout.
Submitted by questionsasked22 t3_zz7hd0 in LifeProTips
Been feeling burned out and have realized rest is not equal to rejuvenation. Any suggestions on I can escape a burnout.
Is there any particular reason you're feeling burnt out? I had a massive anxiety and stress problem that got a lot better with medication and meditation, but the real source was a bad job with a bad boss.
Definitely stress from school and the search for jobs!
Work out, use the open mind gained to evaluate your life critically yet realistically.
Can‘t change a situation? Accept it and set new (personal) goals
Can change a Situation? Change it now, even if short term it leads to pain/ uncomfort. In the long run you will be better off
Thanks for your suggestions! I like the acceptance part of it and how I should be realistic!
Volunteer somewhere. Doing something productive that benefits others that they appreciate is a huge boost when feeling drained from the study grind and putting yourself out there for someone to hire.
Love this idea - didn’t think of this, but will def try this out. Have volunteered previously and it felt very very nice!
I’ve also got jobs based on relationships I made while volunteering, so it can be a win-win-win.
Counter stress: do something very different on weekends or better yet on vacation/ holiday. Camping, volunteering, travel. So when you get back into the routine of school/ work it's a relief to be back with familiar routines.
The easiest and cheapest solution I've found thus far is changing what I eat. Specifically, I drastically reduced my sugar intake. Sleep and exercise are bonuses but they take time that we don't always have. I found that saying "no" to sugar helped me to have a better mindset, more energy, and better focus
keepthetips t1_j29vecq wrote
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