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nsa_reddit_monitor t1_j1o4ln6 wrote

I use Keepass, it has a standard format for password databases so a lot of tools and apps exist to read a Keepass database. I make sure (via various methods) that all my computers and phones and backups have a copy of my password database.

I only have the Keepass password memorized, and a couple of my computers use that password for their full-disk encryption (because if you get past that, I'm screwed regardless of if you have my passwords). Basically, unless you take down my computers, my phones, and a couple backups in undisclosed locations, I won't lose any of my passwords.

So I don't even know my bank or email login. Worst case, I can just go to the bank and have them reset it in person. And my email is hosted on a private server I own (in an undisclosed location), so I could physically go to the datacenter and plug a keyboard in to regain access.