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betcher73 t1_j26o2p6 wrote


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j26oip8 wrote

I could have but then I'd be lying.


betcher73 t1_j26r89k wrote

You learned something. It would be appropriate. Or you just continue being the negative person you are. It makes no difference to me. Good luck.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j26rtnq wrote

Luck I don't need. What the world needs is less nonsense and this post is nonsense.


betcher73 t1_j26ry32 wrote

Just because you don’t understand, doesn’t mean it’s nonsense.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j26s7ft wrote

Oh, I understand. Have confidence in that.

Nonsense is akin to jibber jabber and that is what this post is.
