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pcl823 t1_j5nwsvo wrote

you don't seem to be a parent or have a clue on how your so called lpt triggers some in a very bad way.

this is a horrible advice.


Twishedd OP t1_j5nzd1r wrote

I am a mum of a 5yo and newborn.

Im exhausted, I’m all touched out, I fantasise about falling asleep in the mountain of clean laundry I never have time to fold.

This is one of the few things that help me appreciate the hour and a half ritual that is bedtime, and without wanting to pull my hair out after a long day.


pcl823 t1_j5o4bbj wrote

as a single mother of a soon-to-be 6yo i guess i understand your level of exhaustion.

your fantasy hit a spot with me. my biggest fear became dying to soon so ... I won't finish the sentence.

well, how different people are, aren't we.

in case you haven't read it today: you're doing great! you feed the kids, cuddle them, put clothes on their backs, play a bit, if you can, show them affection as much as you can, you give them what you can. you're doing great!

would be great to have someone care for us.


ElGoochio t1_j5o0nrh wrote

Love it! Great advice. The energy is there even if you think it’s not. Thank you!