Radthereptile t1_j64a4lx wrote
Sorry OP but this is horrible LPT. Plenty of bullies are looking for an excuse to hit you. Never loop people like this into one group.
The actual solution for a bully (I’m assuming school) is telling a teacher. Schools do not F around with bullying since all the events of the 90s. Nobody laughs it off. Nobody does the boys will be boys or just laugh it off stuff anymore. They will address it, especially if you make it clear you are being bullied and it is not ok. If somehow the teacher doesn’t care (which would shock me) take it right to the principal. I assure you some school staff member will step in.
And before anyone says “Then you’re a rat and you’ll be picked on.” No. Then you’re safe because if anyone does pick on you again tell an adult and they will end it. I have taught at all sorts of schools and when it came to bullying of any sort, the second staff found out it ended. Staff meetings brought it up and informed all staff to be aware and intervene. Bullies were talked to and informed everyone was aware. And it never happened again, or if it did the bully was immediately suspended and parents talked to, and then it definitely never happened again.
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