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Phraenkinstone t1_j5ldj0m wrote

I can dig that too, and I understand that for some professions you really do need an active social media presence. A big problem though is a lot of people have just been posting every crazy thing they do under their real names and if you get Googled during the hiring process they are gonna find stuff they won't / might not like.

Luckily I'm in a medical field where that stuff doesn't matter as long as they aren't finding any horrible shit associated with my name lol.


Bad_Mad_Man OP t1_j5lk2xq wrote

Agree most vociferous!! I’m bewildered by the number of people posting things they wouldn’t want an employer or a potential date to see under their real names. I also don’t use my real name for Social Media except LinkedIn and I don’t post my opinions on the best anal lubes in LinkedIn. Those worlds should be kept completely separated, as Offspring famously sang.