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WindowMoon OP t1_j5q3zpo wrote

wat? lol i don’t understand what you’re getting at


ObfuscatedAnswers t1_j5q5d00 wrote

Your title could be read as a suggestion not to delete the voicemail in mailboxes belonging to people you love.

I.e. their voicemails, not voicemails they have left you (as those would technically be your voicemails, from them).

Also, see nick. ;)


WindowMoon OP t1_j5q61er wrote

ohhhhkay? i think? you’re trying to be clever? idk read the room ya cabbage 🥬


ObfuscatedAnswers t1_j5q9qkk wrote

Seriousness and jest are not mutually exclusive. In sadness laughs are sometimes needed to light the gloomiest corners and dispell the shadows.

Never been likened to a vegetable before but... thanks, I guess?


WindowMoon OP t1_j5qb84z wrote

you’re the type of person who constantly plays devils advocate aren’t you? kindly, get some self awareness my dude.