Submitted by AnalBaggins t3_10i557a in LifeProTips
ca_agent t1_j5cs89m wrote
When was the last time a boycott changed anything?
brannana t1_j5czmpt wrote
Here’s a list of successful boycotts since 2000
ca_agent t1_j5d0d48 wrote
Many of those feel debatable as to whether it was the boycott or something else. Negative publicity isn't the same as a boycott, for example. Decades of efforts by Peta doesn't sound like it was really their efforts that caused change...
brannana t1_j5d11lu wrote
If you want to split hairs and argue long term effects, take it up with the article’s author. Im just the messenger. The point is, boycotts work quite often.
ca_agent t1_j5d1cvx wrote
You're using the author's work to prove your point, which I think it does poorly. Your point was not successfully made Mr/Ms messenger.
brannana t1_j5d41ow wrote
Were there any on the list you don’t object to?
ca_agent t1_j5d4h14 wrote
I didn't read them all, all the ones I read I felt were at least somewhat exaggerating the results of the boycotting.
brannana t1_j5d4x72 wrote
So your objections are based solely on your “feelings” about their accuracy, and not hard data? And your biggest objection is that you feel the effect of the boycott is “somewhat exaggerated”?
One of us is failing at proving their point, but it’s not me…
ca_agent t1_j5d58zb wrote
Your goal was proving the point, not mine...
brannana t1_j5d68ny wrote
We have different points we’re trying to make, genius.
ca_agent t1_j5d6lsh wrote
I'm not trying to prove anything, Socrates.
brannana t1_j5d81ny wrote
So you’re just talking to make noise? You’re not trying to say that the article I posted is bad?
ca_agent t1_j5dcj19 wrote
Not every comment has to convince someone of something, sometimes you can just enjoy the ride.
I do think the article you posted was written with a bias towards trying to make people believe boycotts work without actually providing evidence they work. So yeah, I guess that means I think it is a bad article. Not saying you're bad, just probably the first article you thought was sufficient, wasn't to my eyes.
If I was to write an article trying to prove that boycotting works, I would strive to include data showing loss of profit due to the boycotts as well as shareholder meetings or complaints about those losses resulting in a change of company policy. To the point of this post though even that is insufficient...
This post implies that boycotts create change that protests can't. So changing a store from stocking one item versus another is not the sort of change a protest is aiming for. I don't see a boycott changing how police interact with black people, or how politicians interact with religious groups to the detriment of women's rights.
brannana t1_j5di5kc wrote
So, what’s your point?
KernelViper t1_j5cz5yv wrote
Last year?
When the russians invaded Ukraine some companies decided to stay in Russia and got boycotted (at least here on Poland, but to some extent also internationally) quite hard and some if not most of them pulled out off of Russia due to decline in sales on other markets
ca_agent t1_j5czv3u wrote
Did it change anything though? The goal wasn't really to get the shops out of Russia, it was to save Ukraine via economic pressure on Russia.
Yeah28 t1_j5cwcbc wrote
Bus boycott, by Martin Luther King Jr.
Procedure-Minimum t1_j5d171h wrote
Enough people boycotted diary milk in Australia that nearly every cafe has dairy alternatives.
ca_agent t1_j5d1qfr wrote
That's pretty cool, haven't heard anything about that. How did the boycott work? Did they boycott the cafés specifically or all dairy products?
Procedure-Minimum t1_j5d2ifm wrote
Just cafes that didn't have non dairy alternatives. It was a slow boycot, people just would walk in "do you have soy milk or something non dairy?" If they said no, people went somewhere else. Cafes learn, and now they all have options. This sort of thing leads to change pretty quickly.
ca_agent t1_j5d2z4l wrote
That does sound effective. I imagine grocery stores had to start stocking more ofnthose alternatives as well to support the cafes.
[deleted] t1_j5d4f21 wrote
hiddenmage t1_j5d6ub4 wrote
Check out Dungeons & Dragons changing the OGL. That's happening right now.
Fans hated what they were doing and started canceling their DnDBeyond subs. WoTC lost and estimated 40,000 subscribers in a couple days and changed their story.
[deleted] t1_j5d0ro8 wrote
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