Submitted by [deleted] t3_10pt2a9 in LifeProTips
[deleted] OP t1_j6m634z wrote
bigby2010 t1_j6m6cb5 wrote
Yeah, no kidding. I have 3”x5” cards on my desk for this reason. Put a little circle next to the task, and tick it off when done.
wildadragon t1_j6m74le wrote
Some things I'll never forget, I'll take it to my grave and beyond. However those are the things I'll never share with another human being.
killerklixx t1_j6m8gzc wrote
I used to do this with post-its, but the more post-its you have the less effective they are! Now I just keep an open notebook on my desk for brain dumps instead.
whatwhatinthewhonow t1_j6mat7k wrote
RemindMe! Tomorrow
pixeequeen84 t1_j6mb8sq wrote
But in which of the 22 notebooks did I write it? And will I be able to decipher it later? I always have notebooks and pens around (we're stationary whores, good pens, nice notebooks), but for shit I need to remember, samsung notes on my phone. Good tip, just adding to write it down in a place you'll remember.
icome3rd t1_j6mbeqd wrote
Everytime i think of something i tell siri to create a reminder.
RandomActsOfKidneys t1_j6mbx95 wrote
I do. I have 48 notes in my notes folder.
Except I forget they're there until I make another note to not forget the new idea/thing I have to do.
TheN1ght0w1 t1_j6mc5vy wrote
I swear i wrote it down on a post-it note somewhere! Now i only need to find it..
mcshadypants t1_j6mc890 wrote
me missing gam-gams funeral
"now I know im forgetting something"
Utterlybored t1_j6md8d4 wrote
Or take a picture of it w your phone.
Ruhh-Rohh t1_j6mekvb wrote
A dull pencil is better than a sharp mind, my grandpa said.
Empire2k5 t1_j6mgmst wrote
Doesn't work that way, I'll still forget
Dm_me_pretty_boobs t1_j6mgzly wrote
I tell myself to remind me… hasnt worked well
SynbiosVyse t1_j6mhpvx wrote
I despise post-its for this reason. They're a very inefficient way to maintain notes.
Most people probably don't use them correctly. Use them for ephemeral reminders on your keyboard or monitor and throw them away after a day.
[deleted] OP t1_j6mk72x wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j6mlnur wrote
DeftTrack81 t1_j6mlofd wrote
Or use the magic rectangle in your hand. Mark it on your calendar, set an alarm and name it what you want to remember. So many options that don't require keeping up with tons of sticky notes.
thelumiquantostory t1_j6mlozl wrote
!RemindMe 2 years
zeke1220 t1_j6mq18c wrote
I'll be sure to remember this the next time I need to remember something.
[deleted] OP t1_j6mrivs wrote
JGSolorzano t1_j6msf7k wrote
This is dumb, I remember stuff just fine
NotTooDistantFuture t1_j6msm9p wrote
Remember what later?
valdemiro t1_j6mug0c wrote
I've got to remember to write this Life Pro Tip down later.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6mveq8 wrote
I always keep a small notebook with me. I was a little self-conscious about it at first and thought it was goofy. But it's crazy how many things I remember simply because I take the time to write it down.
0x077777 t1_j6mvjin wrote
I had to write this LPT down
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6mvljy wrote
I do that a lot. Especially in airport parking decks so that I remember the level and area where I parked. Saves a lot of misery when you're returning home late after a long business trip.
Anarimus t1_j6mw9w6 wrote
I’ll take Resetting passwords for old people for 200$
[deleted] OP t1_j6mz8a2 wrote
Bemxuu t1_j6mzqj7 wrote
"The dullest pencil remembers better than sharpest memory".
[deleted] OP t1_j6mzv67 wrote
The magic rectangle!
I think you basically paraphrased what I wrote. I didn't say where to write it down.
[deleted] OP t1_j6mzw8a wrote
Write it down.
[deleted] OP t1_j6n00gu wrote
You couldn't remember to put a period at the end of that sentence.
[deleted] OP t1_j6n03yj wrote
Really? Show me a few examples.
Coffee_And_Bikes t1_j6n0406 wrote
Man, that's a great saying. Gonna remember that one. Actually, i won't, better write it down.
Coffee_And_Bikes t1_j6n05hd wrote
Man, that's a great saying. Gonna remember that one. Actually, I won't, better write it down.
leolacakes t1_j6n0wvq wrote
You didn’t have to call me out so viscerally
[deleted] OP t1_j6n1u57 wrote
kjm16216 t1_j6n2ltx wrote
I would expand on this to say even if you are young and do tend to remember, there will come a day when you won't. Develop good habits now.
RamenHa1 t1_j6n2lzl wrote
As a standup comedian who is constantly thinking of new stuff to laugh at just from talking to myself. These are really words to live by
Vospader998 t1_j6n2nmi wrote
I've learned this lesson the hard way too may times. And continue to learn it all the time. Maybe I should write it down...
knowbodynows t1_j6n2uwr wrote
Or, stare at specific thing in your present view which you know that you will see later, such as your external doorknob, the shoes you will put on in the morning, your toothbrush, your gas cap, etc. Say, "when I see this again I will remember ______.’
It works.
AllenRBrady t1_j6n37af wrote
It might not even matter if you remember where the note is. The simple act of writing things down has been demonstrated to improve your chance of remembering the content later. Research shows that adding a sensory component to information greatly improves the ability to recall that particular memory. Writing information down adds two sensory cues to the memory: visual and tactile.
mrparoxysms t1_j6n3pg5 wrote
On the flip side, when I'm giving someone directions and they're not writing it down, I begin to expect they will forget something of what I asked them to do. It typically pans out that way.
chapstikcrazy t1_j6n3tl6 wrote
If I don't write it down, it does not exist lol
thepenis_mightier t1_j6n3ui3 wrote
That's what I do. I'd be completely lost without my calendar.
If I was my current age before smartphones, I would be the person with the big planner book.
Inevitable_Set5762 t1_j6n43ln wrote
How old are you? Just curious. You still have your wits about you.
BiggieBitcoin t1_j6n47e3 wrote
It's so important, you wrote it down twice!
BiggieBitcoin t1_j6n488f wrote
It's so important, you wrote it down twice!
BiggieBitcoin t1_j6n4g38 wrote
Pencils don't form memories! ... Let's stick with the original ;)
okcboomer87 t1_j6n4hzk wrote
I couldn't remember anything I needed to do growing up. Now as an adult. I put anything I need to do in my calendar. I would be lost without it.
SnakePaintball t1_j6n4wjf wrote
I'll write it down later
whiskeytango55 t1_j6n52y1 wrote
Works with passwords /s
lizard_king0000 t1_j6n535d wrote
I text myself constantly
Bemxuu t1_j6n53lz wrote
Literally had no idea there was the same saying in English, lol
[deleted] OP t1_j6n5i54 wrote
bewarethetreebadger t1_j6n5u2x wrote
This motherfucker is 100% correct!!
nucumber t1_j6n5y0o wrote
i wrote stuff down on a legal pad. i rarely left my desk without it because i would often be stopped and asked for something (i was the data and reports guy on a floor with several hundred people)
i crossed stuff out when done or add a short note if it was a work in progress and i had taken an action or was waiting for someone
every few days i would transfer all the open items to a new page with the date at the top, prioritizing as i did so.
i may not have been the best and brightest data and reports person but i would have to be asked for something only once, while others with jobs similar to mine who didn't write stuff would have to be reminded again and again
now, there were some people who would ask for stuff without thinking it through, or really needing it. i would ask them to send me an email request, and asking them to put that little bit of work into making their request often ended it.
_Eklapse_ t1_j6n5zhr wrote
"dumb remember; smart write down"
AsashinDaka420 t1_j6n66pu wrote
Or just do what Sleeping with Sirens did and Do It Now; Remember It Later
Yogicabump t1_j6n67qi wrote
Also helpful: mnemonics
PlagueDoc22 t1_j6n6c7c wrote
I knew u should've written my name down as a 4 year old.
Now I'm 30 and just go by man man.
WarriorNN t1_j6n6hyw wrote
Just forget stuff, like a cool person. /s
ROADHOG_IS_MY_WAIFU t1_j6n6km8 wrote
If you're unable to write it down (e.g. you have a good idea while driving) say it out loud! You're more likely to remember something if you say it aloud. Obviously, writing it down is the best but this is a good alternative if needed.
[deleted] OP t1_j6n7txu wrote
Mr_Zaroc t1_j6n7yjk wrote
I made and excel sheet with priorities I can sort after, really handy
[deleted] OP t1_j6n84al wrote
Patiod t1_j6n86av wrote
I always tell young colleagues to keep a running list of the projects they worked on, disease category, clients, and notes on what they contributed or learned. Then, when they go to look for another job, they aren't rummaging through their memory for this information. Employers will ask for that, and it's nice to have right in front of you in a spreadsheet.
ComradeFausto t1_j6n86fi wrote
I don't remember it now, much less later.
I swear the worst part of getting older was going from having instant recollection to barely remembering my name most days.
[deleted] OP t1_j6n87gn wrote
anniecet t1_j6n8caw wrote
Of course I am not going to remember it until the middle of the night when I cannot do anything about it. So I will lay awake worrying about it, get up late and rush to work forgetting all about it.
sebadc t1_j6n8ckq wrote
You can even send it to yourself as a message via WhatsApp or Signal.
PleaseLetMeInn t1_j6n8d9b wrote
In this economy?
erikieperikie t1_j6n8klp wrote
Oh yes I will, because if I won't, it's not important enough to remember.
If otherwise, I'd have memory issues.
ShoutsWillEcho t1_j6n8lus wrote
illegal_brain t1_j6n8o97 wrote
I do the same but with Google. That's part of the reason I bought Google minis for the bathrooms and kitchen.
mariposa654 t1_j6n8r98 wrote
Ha! In WHICH notebook? And WHERE is that notebook? Notes on my phone? Which of the 430 should I look at?
tnsmaster t1_j6n8rl0 wrote
This is why I have 50 post-it notes on my work desk and another 50 on my personal desk, and I don't know what about 90% of them are trying to tell me...
Wishbone_508 t1_j6n8tby wrote
I like 1234
plausibleturtle t1_j6n8tzj wrote
I use google - it's also been a huge help to my anxiety. I'm setting aside space later to think, do or worry about something when I can take my time.
"Hey google, remind me in xyz hours/days/on Thursday to do ABC."
NoBSforGma t1_j6n9lgl wrote
Oh, absolutely! We all have so many things swirling around our heads that when something comes up that you need to remember -- write it down! Stop whatever you are doing and WRITE IT DOWN. You will be glad later.
[deleted] OP t1_j6n9ofu wrote
ShoutsWillEcho t1_j6n9omw wrote
You need a.... "ZETTELKASTEN"
Acceptable_Wall4085 t1_j6n9p4q wrote
After I write it down it’s easier to remember too.
crispyLechon_qwq t1_j6n9pn6 wrote
I'll wait until 3 years when I inevitably see this image in my phone again
Sheila_Monarch t1_j6n9s3x wrote
LPT Addendum: You don’t even necessarily have to write it down. If you’re, say, driving, showering, or tucked in bed just about to fall asleep (the 3 big ones for me when these thoughts occur to me)….say “Siri make a note that Jennifer said she likes orchids instead of roses” or “Siri remind me at 3pm tomorrow to call Steve” or “Siri add coffee to my grocery list”. The latter requires you have a Reminder list named “Grocery”, but the others will happen automatically.
I believe Androids have the same function, I just don’t know the magic words for Android.
7Jers3y2 t1_j6n9sjp wrote
Where do I write this post down?
Skullerprop t1_j6n9tiy wrote
Where did I put my pencil? I should have write it down where I put it.
lordcookies t1_j6n9w0j wrote
So did you!
lordcookies t1_j6n9wlf wrote
So did you!
[deleted] OP t1_j6n9x28 wrote
DukeFlipside t1_j6n9xqs wrote
I will absolutely remember it later - but whether that's in six hours, six weeks, six months, or six years is anyone's guess.
The_Real_Raw_Gary t1_j6na1i2 wrote
LPT: you will lose the paper you write it down on also
Punisher41 t1_j6na7tb wrote
glances over to the 47 post-it notes on the wall nervously
[deleted] OP t1_j6naecd wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j6nange wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j6nanuy wrote
Josh-Greene t1_j6naonc wrote
Best productivity tip ever. We think we will remember for sure, but just like that those golden ideas are gone! 😂
BiggieBitcoin t1_j6nas4i wrote
I want some lordcookies!
Relixed_ t1_j6natyc wrote
This is the way.
BiggieBitcoin t1_j6naucq wrote
I want some lordcookies!
[deleted] OP t1_j6nb0zq wrote
NegaJared t1_j6nb1wm wrote
#i will not remember the note later, remmeber it now
coder_karl t1_j6nb6ly wrote
Milk Eggs Butter Flour
[deleted] OP t1_j6nbatg wrote
YeltsinYerMouth t1_j6nbe2w wrote
Similarly, you won't remember to leave early to refuel your car; do it now.
TurbulentTwo3531 t1_j6nbhr8 wrote
I prolly wont remember this
MomentMurky9782 t1_j6nbhxj wrote
sticky notes! I have them everywhere, and it completely eliminated “what notebook did I use?” and turned into “where is that damn sticky note” lol, but it works!
nint3nd0nt t1_j6nbjxy wrote
...what do you mean by this? Lol
graison t1_j6nbqva wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j6nbrxp wrote
tokeyoh t1_j6nbugl wrote
Definitely write detailed notes with context haha. I write jokes occassionally, and when I have a funny idea I'll put it in my phone. But then when it comes to write I have no idea what my notes mean
kwxl t1_j6nbwlj wrote
If I get an idea or a thought I need to remember a little later I usually say (or sing) the thing out loud a couple of times, sometimes I stamp my foot or pinch myself or do some other physical thing at the same time. This somehow makes me remember it better.
Now try visualizing a tall, 48 year old bearded man stomping his foot and singing “buuuuuy butter” a couple of times….
[deleted] OP t1_j6nc8sl wrote
FindingUsernamesSuck t1_j6ncsym wrote
Right? Damn
GenXChefVeg t1_j6nctiv wrote
This is how I use Notes on my phone.
[deleted] OP t1_j6nd872 wrote
Ekublai t1_j6ndfhk wrote
Some things are worth forgetting
galaxygirl978 t1_j6ne0in wrote
I write songs and I use those colored tabs to keep track of them in my notebooks. it saves me a lot of flipping thru pages
real_bk3k t1_j6neccn wrote
While a picture may be enough, and I also take pictures of stuff to remember, I believe they have "where did I park?" apps that would be better.
[deleted] OP t1_j6nf3ad wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j6nf9xu wrote
real_bk3k t1_j6nffow wrote
I write stuff down on my computer, which at least helps if I'm in front of it.
Otherwise, write down on paper, take a pic of your note with your phone, move picture to dedicated folder for notes (or individual folders for subjects).
[deleted] OP t1_j6ng6ob wrote
DeftTrack81 t1_j6nhtmp wrote
Fair enough. My age is showing. When I see write it down my brain goes to pen and paper. Edit: word
The_Real_Raw_Gary t1_j6nizdv wrote
Sadly I’m not organized enough to follow through on this but hopefully one day I’ll get it together :)
MTBaller t1_j6nobi2 wrote
“Knowledge is half the battle!”
hknewt t1_j6ntw3r wrote
You don't even have to write it with a smart phone
chaot1c-n3utral t1_j6nvy1q wrote
Let me see if I will still remember it later to write down this LPT.
Materias t1_j6ny2j6 wrote
If you don't mind me asking, what kinds of things do you write down? I've thought of doing this before, but I always think it would seem out of place to pause mid conversation or whatever it is you are doing and write. I wouldn't think it's goofy as I'm someone who forgets a ridiculous amount of things that people tell me. I think it's a good idea, just curious on how I could implement it well.
SailboatAB t1_j6nzy1h wrote
I write down a lot of stuff. But I'm plagued by people asking me to recall it off the top of my head. I tell them "Just a moment, I have notes," and the invariable answer is, "Oh no, don't bother, just off the top of your head/whatever you remember."
The idiots never seem aware that I write things down specifically so that I don't have to carry them around in my head constantly.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6o9btm wrote
Aside from the obvious such as meeting notes, I keep a running To-Do list, crossing things off as I do them. I also am a writer, so random notes that I later type into documents and the what not.
There are just times when you can't whip out your phone and type things in. Plus, I believe that the physical act of writing tends to imprint things in your brain more readily
hongbronk t1_j6oe4gh wrote
I read somewhere that there is a more natural cadence with handwriting than any other form of taking notes. It seems to give ones thoughts a space to breath.
hongbronk t1_j6oetyy wrote
There is a saying... "The axe forgets, but the tree remembers". Wooden pencils come from trees. Therefore, the pencil remembers. Checkmate, Broheim. /s
sc00bydoobyd00 t1_j6ohtod wrote
That's a great tip! I'll make sure to remember that.
keepthetips t1_j6m5roi wrote
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