superkuper t1_j5ywq4b wrote
What an incredibly dismissive and rude thing to do, horrible advice.
AGripInVan t1_j5z04y9 wrote
Is it, though?
If Its faster to ask google than wait for a response...
You tend to question the IQ.
superkuper t1_j5z0p7v wrote
Even if it is faster, this is just not a polite way to interact with a person.
AGripInVan t1_j5z11jh wrote
If its a weak question it is not inviting. Its annoying.
Want to engage? Ask smart.
superkuper t1_j5z17oy wrote
That doesn’t matter. Someone asking a dumb question is not an excuse to be rude to them.
AGripInVan t1_j5z39z4 wrote
I dont mean dumb.
I mean low effort.
Like , whats the nearest grocery store to X street?
superkuper t1_j5z3fp7 wrote
It does not matter. There is no question that justifies this kind of snarky rude response, period.
AGripInVan t1_j5z3u6e wrote
There are worse replys to make your stand on.
This is not the hill for you to die on.
superkuper t1_j5z4c30 wrote
I’m not making a stand, I’m attacking. You’re the one defending this garbage behavior for no good reason.
AGripInVan t1_j5z56dk wrote
On the contrary.
A very good reason.
superkuper t1_j5z5dl7 wrote
Your reason is that someone mildly annoying you gives you free license to be rude to them in return.
That just makes you an asshole.
[deleted] OP t1_j5z5vcu wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j5ywwzo wrote
Wait until somebody bothers you enough times.
It's not dismissive or rude
You just didn't read the tip correctly.
healing-souls t1_j5z2tas wrote
Yes it is dismissive and makes you sound like a royal assbag.
Soup_Rah t1_j5z8v3v wrote
Shit tip.
[deleted] OP t1_j60ys1r wrote
I disagree. Why don't you Google what the best approach is and let me know?
halfsieapsie t1_j5zqzpj wrote
Everyone read your tip correctly, don't worry. Stop being a passive aggressive douche. You can just say "I'm sorry, I am a bit busy, can you please just google it".
[deleted] OP t1_j60xego wrote
Not only can't you read the original post, you can't even read the rum.
It's about people like you, if you haven't figured that out.
Rickcinyyc t1_j5zqi12 wrote
You should give up on holding this line. That's not what your tip said. Revisionist history.
I see you George Santos.
[deleted] OP t1_j60xhlu wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j5yxjnv wrote
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