Submitted by Lively_Plant t3_10pd8nt in LifeProTips

I'm salaried at a warehouse job that has both a day shift and night shift. My whole career I've worked days but recently have been moved to run a new team on night shift. I've never worked a night shift before in my life (closest was a couple noon to midnight shifts) - I switch to my new schedule in a couple weeks. Any advice for making the transition easier?



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keepthetips t1_j6jpitq wrote

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Whywiki t1_j6jr29y wrote

I have worked the graveyard and no matter how you look at it, it is going to suck for awhile. I found if I hung out with co-workers after shift and pretended that it wasn't 0700 and I had a beer in my hand, that it was 1900 and I had a beer in my hand. Enjoy the nights, it is a different world.


moondancer224 t1_j6jrmwd wrote

10 year vampire here. When I have to swap, I'll just condense my misery into one day. Curl up with a good book, some netflix, or something and stay up until you would go to bed on your new schedule. Like if you have to get up at 6pm, stay up til about 10 am a day or so before. If you are going to be night shift for any length of time, get blackout curtains for your bedroom.


Lively_Plant OP t1_j6js9gm wrote

Thank you! I am interested in seeing a totally different side of everything! A little bummed though that most of the stores around me stopped being 24 hours after COVID though =/


Aunt_Anne t1_j6k1rys wrote

Stay up late, past what is comfortable, Sleep in and nap during the days leading up to when you start your night shift. I tended to keep my sleep schedule on my days off. Black out curtains absolutely necessary. A fan or white noise helps with day time activity.

Food schedules just work themselves out. You may find yourself socializing with other night shift workers, though the bars and clubs are not going to be for thing.


Fresh_Pomelo8842 t1_j6k6nq4 wrote

I'm more of a night owl and I work 3pm till midnight and love it, one time last week I had to go in the morning and it was hell to get me out of bed. if you're a morning person maybe your employer should respect that and have you go in the mornings when you're more productive. for me, that's a deal breaker


sharedbreathes t1_j6kcebs wrote

You’re going to have to change your entire circadian rhythm.

I’d highly advise getting one of those bright light therapy lamps to get bright light in your eyes during your shift.

Check out Andrew Hubermans, standford neuroscientist, advice about making the most of your circadian rhythm and his advice specifically for shift workers.