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roquentin92 t1_j5jfdlv wrote

Semi-factual information that is only relevant if you prioritize body building aesthetics almost exclusively and above all else. Essentially.


Afferbeck_ t1_j5jejli wrote

To me, it's average joe gymgoers trying to train with hyper specific bodybuilding methods that are really only relevant to professional bodybuilders on lots of drugs and who are able to train multiple times as long and often as it's their job. And who've trained for a decade plus and have generally built a solid base of strength and skill in compound lifts. It's some skinny or fat kid who can't do a pushup talking about how you gotta do shoulder raises with your pinky out to really use the muscle etc.

The same but opposite in the weightlifting world was the trend for people to want train like the Bulgarians did. ie max attempts in the competition lifts and squats multiple times per day 6 days a week and doing literally no other exercises. Conveniently forgetting the drugs and the fact that it was their full time job.


Kenna193 t1_j5k0548 wrote

A lot of isolation exercises aren't really necessary if you are doing compound lifts through a large range of motion.


Kike328 t1_j5jyatd wrote

Advice which is only relevant if you’re on steroids