jj-reeder t1_j97w1ug wrote
If you know vlookup alone, you can make a LOT of people believe you’re a genius.
textris t1_j98qeoo wrote
Good-Astronomer-1138 t1_j98y572 wrote
This has been replaced by XLOOKUP now
tomistruth t1_j99qiki wrote
Example code for people who rarely work in excel?
thequicknessinc t1_j9a4cj1 wrote
=XLOOKUP(value to look up,range/array to lookup value in, range/array to return)
tomistruth t1_j9a60l0 wrote
Thx! Noted.
Good-Astronomer-1138 t1_j9a8hqd wrote
You can also denote a value for blanks and select a search order at the end : so like xlookup(value, search range, return range, “”, 1) would default all blanks to blank and sort in the default way
Bean_Juice_Brew t1_j9aelvz wrote
This replaces the index vlookup combo? I'll be checking this out!
[deleted] t1_j9ah02y wrote
giclee t1_j9a11ax wrote
XLOOKUP is way better!
PatrickKieliszek t1_j98xyao wrote
Index Match is good if your data set is large and you're worried about execution time.
For small data I almost exclusively use xlookup.
geekgodzeus t1_j99h77s wrote
I recently started using SUMIFS and it has been a godsend .
[deleted] t1_j98t5vy wrote
PM_ME_FUNFAX t1_j97y8oz wrote
Oh no doubt
JethroFire t1_j9960df wrote
Fuuck, I came here to say this and you beat me to it. I like Index and Match, too. Also MaxIfs and MinIfs are super cool functions.
nucumber t1_j9akyn9 wrote
you can go far with xlookup, which gives some database functionality to a spreadsheet. the problem is you can go too far, trying to manipulate too much data from too many spreadsheets.... all those linked tabs etc
at that point you should learn Access and maybe SQL to handle the mass of data
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