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pedrodteixeira t1_j98ccba wrote

I never used Excel in Uni.

It's my main app at work.

They should have taught me Excel.


trymypi t1_j98qpid wrote

I put a class together for exactly this last semester. Most students were pretty happy but one thought it would be better for me to have taught Photoshop haha. (There's already a class for this)


Trickycoolj t1_j99ep42 wrote

Tell me you didn’t take basic Economics, Finance or Accounting at Uni without telling me you didn’t take Econ, Finance or Accounting.


shastaxc t1_j9aad45 wrote

Kinda not really the point. Excel should be taught in gen ed


Asisreo1 t1_j9aapoe wrote

I took macro-econ in uni, but they never taught me excel. The most excel lwarning I got was from engineering finances class.


Aitorgmz t1_j9an0x1 wrote

The whole point of this post was to highlight Excel is just not useful on those fields lol