textris t1_j98qeoo wrote
Good-Astronomer-1138 t1_j98y572 wrote
This has been replaced by XLOOKUP now
tomistruth t1_j99qiki wrote
Example code for people who rarely work in excel?
thequicknessinc t1_j9a4cj1 wrote
=XLOOKUP(value to look up,range/array to lookup value in, range/array to return)
tomistruth t1_j9a60l0 wrote
Thx! Noted.
Good-Astronomer-1138 t1_j9a8hqd wrote
You can also denote a value for blanks and select a search order at the end : so like xlookup(value, search range, return range, “”, 1) would default all blanks to blank and sort in the default way
Bean_Juice_Brew t1_j9aelvz wrote
This replaces the index vlookup combo? I'll be checking this out!
[deleted] t1_j9ah02y wrote
giclee t1_j9a11ax wrote
XLOOKUP is way better!
PatrickKieliszek t1_j98xyao wrote
Index Match is good if your data set is large and you're worried about execution time.
For small data I almost exclusively use xlookup.
geekgodzeus t1_j99h77s wrote
I recently started using SUMIFS and it has been a godsend .
[deleted] t1_j98t5vy wrote
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