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Fun-Conclusion-7862 t1_ja47weq wrote

Same. I have mine on 24/7. The rare occasion when I’m home alone, I’ll turn it off. The silence I experience is very strange. Strange in a good way. I wish I could experience this type of silence when going to bed but it’s either the fans white noise or someone talking on the phone with a tv turned up and walking back and forth. Super annoying!!!


MamaAuthorAlly t1_jabvokx wrote

I'm the same re: 24/7, and I've been doing it for so many years that I now find it hard to sleep without some kind of white noise in the background 😬 ... it also means I NEVER hear anyone come to the door, which on the plus side has trained both my teens to quit forgetting their house keys, because if I'm in my room with the fan on, I won't hear them no matter how long they knock 🤣🤣🤣