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SethikTollin7 t1_j9c7tv3 wrote

Feel free to troll.


GForceHangover t1_j9d6a3l wrote

This is the real lesson; if you want everyone at work to hear something, make it juicy and tell it to a gossip. Everyone will know within the week. Use it to your advantage.


cheapcardsandpacks t1_j9d6hv4 wrote

Can you give an example


Septopuss7 t1_j9frfow wrote

I let slip that I put 75% of every paycheck into savings so that I can quit my job whenever I see fit. (Zero debt, no kids, no bills except the basics). When I first started I also told them that the reason I left my last job was because they treated me like garbage, and I decided to never work a shitty job again, and I'd quit at the drop of a hat if they started jerking me around...

This job still jerks me around, but they look REAL nervous when they do it. I'm not lying, I really do have several thousands of dollars, probably 5 months of living expenses, saved up, and I will quit so fast it'll make their butt cheeks clap.


Toothfairy51 t1_j9horvh wrote

I worked with a woman named Kirby. We used to say, tell-a-phone, tell-a-gram, tell-a-kirby. Lol


DrabDonut t1_j9dorlw wrote

I tell coworkers different gossip to see who I can trust.