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MET1 t1_j9e2kwt wrote

I tested a co-worker once - I told them that when I have vacation time I like to sit in the park and paint. Not something I have done and never told anyone else. A few weeks later my director mentioned something about how I could not rely on sitting in the park and painting as an occupation. Lesson learned.


aminbae t1_j9ed4zw wrote

you should have told your director that whomever told them that is not to be trusted as you told them in secrecy


ForceOfAHorse t1_j9eikqa wrote

Do you really think that some random fact like that is supposed to be "a secret"? If you told me that you like to paint in the park I wouldn't think it's some kind of a big secret.


marisolm9 t1_j9eucoe wrote

The lessons being their coworker blabs any personal info on their coworkers to boss and the boss, apparently, weaponizes this info.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j9f0vvf wrote

Oh no, people talk to each other!


marisolm9 t1_j9fwil8 wrote

The point here, and of this whole post, being... watch what you say to others, especially people you work with.


aminbae t1_j9kj0ep wrote

true but you want your and their boss to think said person is a blabber mouth


ForceOfAHorse t1_j9kjvw8 wrote

Why would I want that? Am I some kind of spy whose job is to sabotage the company and turn people against each other?

It's just innocent small talk and you act like they sold out your mother to nazi collaborators. Jeez...


Slimsaiyan t1_j9edhud wrote

His boss seems like an asshole so fuck him


MET1 t1_j9gwsej wrote

He was a jerk.


Slimsaiyan t1_j9h4al6 wrote

Honestly I wouldn't doubt sitting in a popular park and drawing for people would make okay money if you're good , its nice to have a physical thing for a memory


MET1 t1_j9h6vwi wrote

It's incredibly hard to earn a living in the arts. The coworker was trying to stir up some trouble by suggesting I was on the verge of quitting.


PeanutNo7337 t1_j9fu7g8 wrote

This isn’t something I would think of as a big secret. Should I be talking about you when you’re not there? No. However, what if I mentioned it in context, such as, “You like to paint? I heard so-and-so likes to paint, you should see if they want to discuss.” No harmful intent whatsoever. Doesn’t that change the situation slightly?

Your director’s comment is just weird. Why should they care what you do on your vacation time?


MET1 t1_j9gxkjj wrote

Then there are some who would use anything as a way to get an advantage - for that coworker it would not have been impossible to have the conversation go something like this: "oh, well MET1 wants to quit and become a painter so can I get some training to take over that position". See how that works?