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ForceOfAHorse t1_j9eikqa wrote

Do you really think that some random fact like that is supposed to be "a secret"? If you told me that you like to paint in the park I wouldn't think it's some kind of a big secret.


marisolm9 t1_j9eucoe wrote

The lessons being their coworker blabs any personal info on their coworkers to boss and the boss, apparently, weaponizes this info.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j9f0vvf wrote

Oh no, people talk to each other!


marisolm9 t1_j9fwil8 wrote

The point here, and of this whole post, being... watch what you say to others, especially people you work with.


aminbae t1_j9kj0ep wrote

true but you want your and their boss to think said person is a blabber mouth


ForceOfAHorse t1_j9kjvw8 wrote

Why would I want that? Am I some kind of spy whose job is to sabotage the company and turn people against each other?

It's just innocent small talk and you act like they sold out your mother to nazi collaborators. Jeez...