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keepthetips t1_ja4ertj wrote

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not_falling_down t1_ja4fip2 wrote

There is a TV ad for an app called Calm (ad features a short segment of "brown noise."

I find the brown noise to be intensely irritating; it sounds like loud static.


alphaxenox t1_ja4gei8 wrote

Yeah those noises basically are like TV static. Some people find them soothing, some irritating. You can also have auditory illusion while listening to those because your brain is trying to find patterns in the sound, never happened to me though.
But if those sounds don’t disturb you they are a great way to drown out outside noises.


rationalparsimony t1_ja4hb9j wrote

I have a set of Anker bluetooth headphones - at about $80.00, in my opinion they are about 80% as good as Bose sets costing three or more times as much.

I found a website called "A Soft Murmur" which is free to use, and generates VERY high quality 'white noise' - wind, waves, storms, etc and you can mix them. I have my own particular set of sounds, which transmit wirelessly with no issues to the headset I'm wearing to bed.

With the combination of large, soft earcups, noise cancellation, plus the whispering sussurus of that site - I don't hear any external sounds.


MarqueeOfStars t1_ja4i7z9 wrote

I use the included app “Background Sounds” on my iPhone through a Bluetooth speaker. Accessibility—>Audio/Visual. I like “Dark Noise” or “Rain”.


rationalparsimony t1_ja4iidm wrote

Prepare for a multi-part answer! :)

So... I rarely fall asleep with them on. Usually, I seem to sense when I'm really falling asleep for real, and peel them off.

About 95% of the time, my eyes "flap" open 30-60 mins ahead of my intended wake-up time. Alarm is almost superfluous, BUT I use a count-down timer which has a pretty piercing beep which I can easily hear in the rare event I still have the headphones on.

I'm also fortunate enough to not have a regular job - I'm a freelance IT tech, so I can schedule my first appointments for 10:00am, which gives me 5+ hrs after my intended wake up time of 5:00am. Also - the vast majority of my clients are pretty laid-back and would be understanding if I accidentally oversleep and run late - but that hasn't even happened yet.


Aggressive-Try-3707 t1_ja4matd wrote

I've created a 30 minutes long mp3 of brown noise using Audacity (freeware on pc) which I play on my phone when I can't fall asleep.


chrisloga t1_ja5o91a wrote

I use an Alexa skill that plays different relaxing sounds. The fan sound blocks all the annoying noises from my neighbors on a Friday night.


MVPbeast t1_ja5oylj wrote

Idk why brown noise made me laugh so hard. I didn’t know that was a thing.


cyberdeath666 t1_ja5sahz wrote

I just use a fan. Much more natural sounding imo


Obwyn t1_ja5xbhc wrote

The last time this was posted an audio engineer replied and actually explained the differences between white, brown, and pink noises.

Maybe since you reposted the OP you can also dig up that reply and post it because it was more interesting.


r_special_ t1_ja5yjpq wrote

Brown noise machine? Just eat beans