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FilthyPout t1_j9v14k9 wrote


Dutch-knight t1_j9v3n4w wrote

And who is the boss.


[deleted] t1_j9v4bgb wrote



ThatFNGuye t1_j9vbdjw wrote

Wife and I have a monthly set, managed to the week budget spreadsheet in a shared document app. Enter all spend in the week its occurred and be transparent. All spend is put on our shared credit cards and we get 2% cash back on 100% of the spend. We usually keep under our budget and meet our savings and investment goals every month. Now and then we have an event, like car repair and we don't quite make the savings goal. Oh well, make it up next month! Works well for us.


College-Lumpy t1_j9vci0w wrote

Neither in my marriage. And we really never fight about money. We talk and negotiate it out. Complete transparency.