Recent comments in /f/LifeProTips
FitMomMarMar t1_jegxqlp wrote
Reply to comment by deezx1010 in LPT: The way you light your room can make a huge difference in your mood by areallytinydot
I did and can report that is in in fact, awesome. Initially I teased him (incessantly yet flirtatiously) about the red lights he had come on in the evening and into the night. Now I think it’s weird when I go somewhere and the lights only go on/off in only one color 😂
MsAdventureQueen t1_jegxhme wrote
Reply to LPT: Since April 1st is coming up. A good tip to live by is that everyone should be able to laugh at your prank at the end. If everyone ends up laughing at the person getting pranked, and they are just the punchline, chances are you're just being a jerk. Don't be a jerk. by moosepooo
Pregnancy is not a joke, millions of families suffer every year.
GMonet4Eva t1_jegx1zk wrote
Reply to LPT: Distancing yourself from people can be one of the healthiest choices you can make. by incredibleinkpen
I had a childhood best friend become increasingly mean/condescending/ dismissive to me and always in front of our shared group of friends. Would only hear from her via a text on my bday and I’d she needed a ride somewhere. I started distancing myself and was so full of anger/hurt confusion because I would still see her a group gatherings. Then the COVID lockdown hit and it was such a relief not to be run into her. The break gave me time to not be so worked up about it and I ended up reaching out to her to basically let her know why I was distancing and ti ask why she was treating me so terribly. Hard convo but I think necessary in my case because I was still going to see her as alert of our friend group and she was apologetic and acknowledged her behavior which is as much as I can ask. This was a massive weight off my heart and mind and I feel better about telling her how I felt out of respect for a 15+ friendship. For folks who I don’t know that long- I have always been quick to not stick around in part because of the hard time I endured with my ex bestie.
mrlittlejeans3 t1_jegwx6h wrote
I used to live for pranks and April Fool’s Day! Really loved it! Then I turned 15.
Point being, adults who engage in this stuff and look forward to it strike me as kind of weird. The world is messed up enough as it is. Why make anyone suffer more?
Emotional-Ebb8321 t1_jegwtc0 wrote
Better LPT: Don't believe any marketing campaigns.
SugarGlitterkiss t1_jegwppe wrote
Reply to comment by nosnevenaes in LPT: If you want to compliment someone for losing weight, try not to fixate on how big they used to be by Dyert
Definitely 😆
TheAbsoluteBarnacle t1_jegwpkv wrote
Reply to comment by StelioZz in LPT: Don't believe any marketing campaigns tomorrow by schaefercmatthew
That's why I didn't believe the news about Mitch Hedberg. RIP
LOTRfreak101 t1_jegwmmg wrote
If you're an anime fan don't believe any announcements today instead. Except for the fact that Princess connect re:dive global is shutting down if you play it.
Ok_Vegetable1254 t1_jegwgy0 wrote
This must be the lowest effort post I have seen here
__420_ t1_jegwb7i wrote
Reply to comment by nemopost in LPT: Distancing yourself from people can be one of the healthiest choices you can make. by incredibleinkpen
Damn this hits too hard... what's the next level of an introvert?
Professional-Cap420 t1_jegw75r wrote
Reply to comment by SirCarboy in LPT Request: Anyone have any advice for dealing with lower back pain? by apeprom123
If you are experiencing chronic pain from day to day stuff, you should really be working on routines that stabilize the affected muscle groups before jumping into weight training. That's just asking for an injury.
[deleted] t1_jegvpam wrote
Asmodean129 t1_jegvola wrote
Pain in the arse living in Australia. It's October 1st here, and we get 2 days of it
nosnevenaes t1_jegvodr wrote
Reply to comment by SugarGlitterkiss in LPT: If you want to compliment someone for losing weight, try not to fixate on how big they used to be by Dyert
I should have said bruh too
digidave1 t1_jegvo8e wrote
You shut up, In-n-Out is TOTALLY coming to Detroit
Protect_Wild_Bees t1_jegvmzc wrote
Reply to LPT: Distancing yourself from people can be one of the healthiest choices you can make. by incredibleinkpen
Sometimes cutting that connection can also be a very kind and respectful thing to do.
If you know that person is going to hurt you, cause chaos, make you angry and disappointed, one of the best things I think you can do sometimes is cut your losses so you don't keep hurting eachother, or they can no longer fail you.
Had to do this with my father and at the time I did it out of trauma and anger, but I keep it going so in my mind, he never has to hurt me again. he never has to worry about me being angry, totally betrayed and disappointed by his behaviour ever again. I like to think maybe he doesn't want that.
Whether he does or not, I see it better for us both.
Professional-Cap420 t1_jegvma9 wrote
Core and shoulder work fixed my back pain in a matter of weeks. I thought it was sciatica, and it turned out it was just a chain reaction from my posture sucking and my core not being very stable.
That said, getting an evaluation from a physical therapist is the best move if you can. They can give you a better idea of what you, personally, need to work on and how.
literalIyRyanGosling t1_jegvlb6 wrote
Guys believe it all it’s be way funnier
Nate848 t1_jegvjq6 wrote
Reply to comment by Organized_Khaos in LPT: Don't believe any marketing campaigns tomorrow by schaefercmatthew
Especially with the tornados that are likely coming to the south east USA tonight after we got hammered last weekend too
SugarGlitterkiss t1_jegvhr0 wrote
Reply to comment by nosnevenaes in LPT: If you want to compliment someone for losing weight, try not to fixate on how big they used to be by Dyert
"Big calves". Oh my, lol.
ChHeBoo t1_jegvgj3 wrote
Reply to comment by ZhugeSimp in LPT: Distancing yourself from people can be one of the healthiest choices you can make. by incredibleinkpen
For me this is about balance and flexibility finding the right amount social interaction for me. I’m fairly (perhaps more than is healthy) comfortable with my own company, although I’m fortunate enough to have a strong support network. How are you feeling about your situation? If you’re feeling isolated what’s stopping you finding others, is it fear/anxiety lack of inspiration of how/ where or something else?
-Chris-V- t1_jegvaex wrote
Reply to comment by Bart-MS in LPT Request: How to deal mentally with nightly noise during the summer months by Bart-MS
To put an even finer point on it the one you want js called a dohm and it makes the noise mechanically, not with an audio file.
GeyonceP t1_jegv9qo wrote
[deleted] t1_jegv8g5 wrote
The_Common_God t1_jegxt4m wrote
Reply to comment by Primary-Appearance21 in LPT - order Boneless Wingstop wings minutes before closing by Primary-Appearance21
Okay Karen