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miratim t1_japcwo2 wrote


TheSinisterShlep t1_jaqumo6 wrote

Yup, that's the spot. Can be a bad spot over there if you're not careful. Those encampment have really taken off over the last couple years.


BubinatorX OP t1_jar51sb wrote

Yeah they have. Mental illness and fentanyl really hasn’t helped. It’s really sad.


TheSinisterShlep t1_jar58vm wrote

That little dog park right at that roundabout has turned into a huge camp.


BubinatorX OP t1_japh68m wrote

I will update this post as soon as I get more info.


BubinatorX OP t1_jaqrzzx wrote

His sister said that they are starting at the Aiken st bridge and heading towards dracut/metuen and that if he’s down there they’re not sure how far he’d get. Its day 6 now. She mentioned with that the water temps it’s likely that he had sunk.