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nokpil t1_jdcxrhc wrote

Surprisingly, one of my reviewers actually responded to the answer and raised their score from 5 to 6. Hope this will help someone.


ILOVETOCONBANDITS t1_jdoj5e7 wrote

I similarly had a reviewer raise their score from a 3 to a 6!


OkWrongdoer4091 t1_jdy19mf wrote

What about the other two reviewers? Any word from them?


ILOVETOCONBANDITS t1_je3m9ts wrote

I had a total of 4 revieiwers. Went from (6, 6, 4, 3) to (6, 6, 5, 6). The first two reviewers didn't respond at all.


OkWrongdoer4091 t1_je3vscq wrote

My only hope that my metareviewers will be diligent enough to reach out to the reviewers that didn't respond and ask if they'd changed their mind after reading the rebuttals. Not responding to the rebuttals destroys the purpose of rebuttal (and the review itself). If you volunteer to serve the community as a reviewer, why not commit to doing a good job of it? I wish I could contact the ACs, but the buttons are no longer available on OpenReview.


ILOVETOCONBANDITS t1_je3yo38 wrote

Yeah i feel your pain. it's a bit weird that even though a 5 this year is technically borderline accept, its basically a reject given the score distributions. And not getting a good rebuttal hurts.


OkWrongdoer4091 t1_je3w01r wrote

Was it accepted in the end?


ILOVETOCONBANDITS t1_je3w70l wrote

Er we'll see soon? I guess decisions come out in april


passerby251 t1_jddhszk wrote

Congrats! Do u mean that you didn’t receive any email notification but found them respond and change the scores?


nokpil t1_jdfsur1 wrote

I got an auto-generated e-mail from openreview since the reviewer made an official comment below my answer, with the title of "[ICML 2023] Reviewer XXXX commented on your submission. Paper Number ...",


OkWrongdoer4091 t1_jdy1392 wrote

Same thing here. Only one of the reviewers answered our rebuttal (which was excruciatingly detailed). They seemed quite happy with it and even raised our paper's score from 3 to 6. The other two reviewers did not respond. Wondering if they even saw our rebuttal.