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RareMajority t1_jcbku9g wrote

Is it a good thing though for companies to be open-sourcing things like their weights? If there's enough knowledge in the open to build powerful un-aligned AIs that seems rather dangerous to me. I definitely don't want anyone to be able to build their own AGI to use for their own reasons.


ComprehensiveBoss815 t1_jcbowt3 wrote

OpenAI isn't even publishing the architecture or training method. Let alone the weights. They are in full on closed mode but have gall to still ask people to give them free training data.


RareMajority t1_jcbqi56 wrote

I'm not referring to OpenAI here. Meta released the weights to Llama and now anyone can build an AI based on that model for any purpose and without any attempt at alignment. Maybe there's middle ground between the two approaches.


noiseinvacuum t1_jcd41kc wrote

From a research perspective, imo, it's 1000x better to follow the Meta model of release code + architecture openly and share weights with researchers than to be completely closed and call yourself Open. I understand that there are genuine risks with weights been available to adversaries but I think it's still better for the progress of the very young field of AI.