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E_Snap t1_jdsceui wrote

cue video of my boss who left computing in the 90s waving his hands about

“It’S jUsT fAnCy aUtOcOmPlEtE!!!!11111!!! I KnOw bEcAuSe i’M a PrOgRaMmER”

To be fair, he was instrumental in getting the internet where it is today. He also assumes tech stopped evolving when he stopped developing it.


yaosio t1_jdtbh6i wrote

Aurther C. Clarke wrote a book called Profiles of the Future. In it he wrote:

>Too great a burden of knowledge can clog the wheels of imagination; I have tried to embody this fact of observation in Clarke’s Law, which may be formulated as follows:
>When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.


Secure-Fix-6355 t1_jdsj0kk wrote

No one cares


E_Snap t1_jdsjku6 wrote

Says the guy with a karma farm account name. Guess you have to get those low effort internet points somehow, huh?


Secure-Fix-6355 t1_jdsjqnn wrote

I have no idea what that is and I'm not farming Karma, I'm abusing you
