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killerfridge t1_jdv0zcm wrote

Does it hallucinate less, or does it give a mixture of "correct/incorrect" answer so that it can review itself? After review, does it give more correct answers than just giving it an "assistant" role? It's an interesting route, and it appears GPT4 trips up on the questions given without review from my brief testing


tamilupk OP t1_jdvecc3 wrote

That's an interesting thought, for the example prompts at least I tested without the review prompt, it gave out the same answer unless I add "think step by step" at the end of the question. I will test more on this.


killerfridge t1_jdvid7z wrote

Yeah, I tried the "France" prompt in both ChatGPT4 and Bard, and both failed in the same way (ferret). Bard failed to adjust on review, but in a different way - it claimed whilst it was wrong about the letter, there were no animals that began with the letter 'P', which I did not expect!