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maizeq t1_jd6kpnj wrote

> The Cerebras CS-2 is designed to accelerate unstructured sparsity, whereas GPUs are not.

Don’t modern NVIDIA GPUs (2000s+) have strong support for sparsity (maximum theoretical flops are doubled when doing sparse computation?). From their documentation the type of sparsity they support is also unstructured (e.g randomly pruned values in tensors). Does the Cerebras chip have higher sparse flops, or does the comparison not make sense?


artsybashev t1_jd6l85h wrote

nvidia has structured sparsity


maizeq t1_jd6u4kb wrote

The sparsity they describe in this link entails randomly pruning weights (i.e. not specific channels like depthwise convolutions), which is what Graphcore is calling "unstructured".


osdd_alt_123 t1_jd6ufjz wrote

Nvidia has 2:4 structured sparsity in the Ampere architecture and one or two below as well, if memory serves.

So in a block of 4, you have to have 2 dropped and 2 retained. It's how they claim their 2x throughput at the hardware level.

You can, however, emulate sparsity in a variety of other ways that are higher than the hardware level. Hope this helps.


maizeq t1_jd76a7x wrote

Ah I see, thank you for the clarification.


brownmamba94 t1_jd8lqry wrote

Also, the N:M sparsity structure is much more constrained in terms of mask diversity compared to unstructured sparsity. In Table 1 in the N:M Transposable sparsity paper, they present the mask diversity constraint between different sparsity techniques (both unstructured and structured), and as expected unstructured sparsity achieves the best. I think this is important especially for dynamic sparse training because now the algorithm has a much larger search space to explore sparse subnetworks. Also, imposing structured sparsity like N:M sparsity tends to reduce the expressivity of a weight matrix at higher sparsity levels, which can be a constraint if you want to get high compression ratios.