Classic-Rise4742 t1_iuvk6qy wrote
I saw this paper this morning and I was wondering what do they mean by denoizing expert ?
tdgros t1_iuvovu1 wrote
that's expert as in "specialized to a certain task", and in this case, each denoiser is specialized to each step of the diffusion process, either to the noise level, or to the kind of images seen (pure noise at the beginning, natural iamges iwth a little noise at the end) depending on your point of view.
Classic-Rise4742 t1_iuwjbjq wrote
Thanks a lot for the very clear explanation!!
blahreport t1_iuxpug1 wrote
Where does the inpainting come in?
yaosio t1_iuz68wp wrote
Oh wow it can write text! Also style transfer is something I've been wishing for, that will make it much easier to get a style you want. The paint by words feature is cool too.
Now will we ever get to use this or will it fall into obscurity as other projects catch up?
3deal t1_iuv04p1 wrote
Inpainting with extra steps.
Like a multimask inpainting.