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MetaAI_Official OP t1_izff2pu wrote

I really strongly disagree that lying is a positive in Diplomacy. The best players do it as little as possible - it is a game about building trust in an environment where trust is hard to build. I think Diplomacy has a reputation for being about lying because new players think just because they can do it, they must. I am nearly certain that a "CICERO II" wouldn't lie more. -AG


MetaAI_Official OP t1_izfhgd0 wrote

As Andrew has said, Diplomacy is less about lying and more about trust-building than beginners typically think. Of course, there are times when some amount of lying may be the best strategy. One reason that CICERO did not use deception effectively - and why we abandoned it - is that it wasn't very good at reasoning about the long-term cost of lying, i.e. knowing exactly how much a particular lie would hurt its ability to cooperate with the other player in the future. We're not really interested in building lying AIs, but being able to understand the long-term consequences of one's actions on other people's behavior is an interesting research direction! -AL


Thorusss t1_izfsiut wrote

>We're not really interested in building lying AIs

Why? Child psychology sees lies as an important development step in the theory of mind - the insight that knowledge is not universal.

In real world applications, AI might encounter lies. Do you think these systems can be deal with that as good, when they are not themselves capable of it? E.g. for planning, you have the model the other side, how do you model lying successfully, when you cannot lie?


Thorusss t1_izfrw0p wrote

Some answer said that the chat history is not preserved beyond a certain length. Does Cicero track past cooperation/betrayal from other players somewhere else?