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leondz t1_j0cjg4x wrote

autopilot helps the pilot. it requires the pilot. who flies the plane


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j0ctdx6 wrote

[Autonomous aircraft]( autonomous aircraft is an,unmanned aerial vehicle or drones)

>An autonomous aircraft is an aircraft which flies under the control of automatic systems and needs no intervention from a human pilot. Most autonomous aircraft are unmanned aerial vehicle or drones. However, autonomous control systems are reaching a point where several air taxis and associated regulatory regimes are being developed.

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leondz t1_j0cugwd wrote

Surely you're not contending that autopilots

> Airplanes can fly on autopilot. Autopilot is part of the autopilot-using plane.

are only used in the handful of autonomous flights? also: if autonomous flights were reliable, and could fly reliably, they'd be used more! but they're not, because the problem isn't solved, because good autonomous flight isn't there, because autopilots can't reliably fly planes