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jms74 t1_j0fgtxx wrote

I asked “how does lsd interact with serotonin? And got a bs answer with mixed phrases that didn’t make sense


jms74 t1_j0fgyy7 wrote

Now I got a true answer..


ReginaldIII t1_j0gdsis wrote

This tool is such an unbelievably bad idea.

It really upsets me when i see people using unrestrained models to do what only a safety critical system should do.

With no clinical study or oversight. No ethics review before work on the project can start. No consideration for the collateral damage that can be caused.

Really really unethical behaviour.

If someone hooked up a bare CNN trained via RL to a real car and put it on the roads everyone would be rightfully screaming OP is a unethical fool for endangering the public. But somehow people think it's okay to screw around with medical data... The mind boggles.