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Hyper1on t1_j0wr203 wrote

I'm sure that a bunch more people moved today or yesterday, but so far the only perceptible difference in my Twitter feed is that the people with a tendency to stir up Twitter drama have become less visible. There's still plenty of paper announcements/discussion on Twitter right now, so I don't see the need to move.

I also think that federation is a terrible way to run a social network, and that Mastodon is so obviously a poor replacement for Twitter that people will eventually realise this and go back. There is just no good Twitter alternative in existence right now.


csreid t1_j109ic5 wrote

>I also think that federation is a terrible way to run a social network

How come? I was a little put off by the federated nature, but it doesn't actually get in your way once you're in. I expected it to be more siloed but it's not. Discoverability actually seems better than twitter bc people sort themselves into nice buckets. It's a little like if "ML twitter" was an actual thing rather than just a collection of accounts.

I am also into the idea of opting in to mod/admin policies that suit me, and I've become pretty skeptical of centralizing after this whole fiasco


tripple13 t1_j0ys5fk wrote

Yup, agree completely with your second point. The user experience, state and design of Mastodon is substantially less appealing.

On the drama matters, I personally do not care much for this, trying to avoid it like the plague.