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Ronny_Jotten t1_j2esha7 wrote

This is clickbait, there's nothing to see here. Wang, among others, has been working on putting together some code as a kind of "proof of concept" that could do RLHF on top of PaLM. Actually doing that on the scale of ChatGPT, i.e. implementing a large, trained, working system, is a completely different story.

The readme includes this:

> This repository has gone viral without my permission. Next time, if you are promoting my unfinished repositories (notice the work in progress flag) for twitter engagement or eyeballs, at least (1) do your research or (2) be totally transparent with your readers about the capacity of the repository without resorting to clickbait. (1) I was not the first, CarperAI had been working on RLHF months before, link below. (2) There is no trained model. This is just the ship and overall map. We still need millions of dollars of compute + data to sail to the correct point in high dimensional parameter space. Even then, you need professional sailors (like Robin Rombach of Stable Diffusion fame) to actually guide the ship through turbulent times to that point.


lucidraisin t1_j2exfpq wrote

my repositories are more than proof of concept. they have led to the training of significant models, Stable Diffusion among them.

but still it is deceptive to the average person to tell them that chatgpt replication is imminent. good code is just a prerequisite to begin the journey. it will take data, compute, adventurers to actually set sail, and in the case of chatgpt, a complicated process of gathering human feedback (I will do my best to lower the activation energy by building a simple and concise app that covers all cases, assuming RLHF does not get outdated by another technique)


Ronny_Jotten t1_j2fcaq1 wrote

> my repositories are more than proof of concept. they have led to the training of significant models, Stable Diffusion among them.

Sure, but I didn't say anything about your other repositories. I said that this particular repository is a proof of concept, in the sense that it demonstrates working code that could serve in the development of a future open-source ChatGPT-like system, but such a system, as you say, is not imminent. It's great that you're working towards it though!


lucidraisin t1_j2ff2cy wrote

right right, more work remains to be done after the new years. we will get there