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aidv t1_j4bhcbm wrote

I am a music producer and I’ve worked in the music industry for over 10 years. Read one of my other comments where I explain a little what I’ve been through.

Don’t just pull things out of your ass.


nullbyte420 t1_j4dop58 wrote

You've been in the music industry for ten years and never heard unoriginal music or heard a musician play something familiar by accident? Wild!


aidv t1_j4dqwq6 wrote

The law doesn’t care if a composition was created by accident.

If the composition has already been made by someone else before and it’s not in the public domain, then the rightful author is entitled to 100% of the revenue, pretty much.

It’s the law!

You can argue as much as you want about it, the law is the law and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

But as always, internet people who have zero knowledge in a certain domain argue with professionals and think they’ll win the debate.

Ignorance at its finest.


nullbyte420 t1_j4dstko wrote

You're very arrogant in your assumptions and completely oblivious to the issue at hand.


aidv t1_j4dt4xx wrote

There was no issue to begin with. You created an issue out of thin air.

You have no idea what you’re even debating anymore, so personal insults is all that you have left.

It’s the same thing with internet people, every time.


nullbyte420 t1_j4dtx8r wrote

Lol mate whatever, you're the one being uncivilized and uneducated on the internet. Look up cases like chuck Berry vs the beatles for a classic case that demonstrates the thin line between inspiration, accident and derivative copyright infringing art. It happens literally all the time (but often isn't published) making your music producing claims very untrustworthy. The only thing I'm convinced of by you is that you're a child who likes to dream some years ahead on the internet. We've all been there. But try not to make these ridiculous arguments based on nonexistent authority, it's evident from your post history that you know jack about music production lol.

You literally posted in a thread about this just 18 days ago by the way.


aidv t1_j4dv17x wrote

It does not matter. The law is still the law.

What the judge decides is up to the judge.

You are missing the point completely.

Here is an example: Somone may kill someone, by accident, and the law says that the individual must go to jail.

However, the judge may still find the individual not guilty.

That’s an extreme example, but I hope you mind can comprehend the idea. I hope.

I have studied copyright laws. I understand it very well.

Fun fact: computer code written by humans is also protected by copyright laws.


nullbyte420 t1_j4dvpyg wrote

Lmao if you knew anything about law you wouldn't be comparing criminal law with copyright law plus you're completely wrong, but I guess they didn't tell you about the distinction between manslaughter and murder or how these cases are usually judged in law school hahahahaha. I love you bring up programming, I've seen your dumbass comments in the node.js subreddit hahahahaha


aidv t1_j4dw7v3 wrote

There’s nothing to LMAO about.

It’s facts. And it’s the law 🤷‍♂️


nullbyte420 t1_j4dwth5 wrote

Oh it's you I'm laughing at hahahaha


aidv t1_j4dxhju wrote

Yes, because that’s all you can do.

You cannot debate my facts, so you scramble to find a way to feel important.

But it’s not working now, is it? 😂


nullbyte420 t1_j4dxmhu wrote

"facts" loooool


aidv t1_j4dybwc wrote

The law = Facts


nullbyte420 t1_j4e1pln wrote



aidv t1_j4e1svr wrote

There’s nothing to 🤣 about.

It’s facts.


nullbyte420 t1_j4e3181 wrote

What does it feel like to be both stupid and universally disliked on the internet? It looks like your entire comment history is downvotes because you're always so confidently and obviously wrong and berating lol


aidv t1_j4e49p1 wrote

What happened to discussing the laws around copyrights?

Oh yeah I forgot, you’re one of those losers who knows nothing about a topic so you resort to personal insults and stalking because you have no constructive knowledge of value to offer regarding the topic that you yourself started debating.

How does it feel to care more about others than yourself?

Fyi: GME did me good 😉 and looking at who universally dislikes me exposes the profile of most people: a bunch of dumbasses who are less than knowledgable in most areas.

You ever seen a bell curve for intelligence? I doubt it, but I’d be on the far right of it.

”You shall accept defeat only when you are wise enough to understand your past stupidity. And only then will you grow out of your fragile shell and build a new one from an indestructible resource, which is knowledge.”

Guess who said that. (Now you’ll franatically start googling it and go nuts over that you can’t find the source, only to later realize ”why am I wasting my time on this?”, and then you’ll think back to me and accept that I was right all along)


nullbyte420 t1_j4e6397 wrote

You sound like you have mania, mate.


aidv t1_j4e6ezn wrote

Why are you so interested in me? You seem a bit obsessed.

That’s weird. People on the internet are weird. You are hella weird that’s for sure.

Oh well, that’s just what I have to deal with.

Weird mfs on the internet 🤷‍♂️