swappybizz t1_j7345xf wrote
Stable diffusion?
seattleite849 OP t1_j734kwb wrote
Yup, that’s one of our examples! You can run this project to run a stable diffusion model on a serverless GPU: https://github.com/usecakework/cakework/tree/main/examples/image_generation
swappybizz t1_j735029 wrote
You have a sign up!
seattleite849 OP t1_j736n71 wrote
We are spinning up the serverless gpu hosting the model using banana.dev btw (which I’ve really liked so far). Cakework spins up CPU-only microVMs for now, since the Firecracker virtual machine monitor runs only on CPUs.
swappybizz t1_j736x59 wrote
Wow! How do you manage to say afloat?
seattleite849 OP t1_j737hp8 wrote
I got a bunch of credits from cloud hosting providers haha. Also since this is a beta I wanted a generous free tier. To connect with banana.dev, you would need to sign up for your own account and pass in your API key to the Python function that’s getting run on cakework. Thin
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