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visarga t1_j7hgmc3 wrote

It's not their large model, it's a toy model. Expect lower quality.

> This much smaller model requires significantly less computing power, enabling us to scale to more users


farmingvillein t1_j7i567e wrote

This is an interesting choice--on the one hand, understandable, on the other, if it looks worse than chatgpt, they are going to get pretty slammed in the press.

Maaaybe they don't immediately care, in that what they are trying to do is head off Microsoft offering something really slick/compelling in Bing. Presumably, then, this is a gamble that Microsoft won't invest in incorporating a "full" chatgpt in their search.


jlaw54 t1_j7iky3o wrote

Yeah, if google wants to be competitive here they have to offer something just as good or better. A half solution won’t convert. Consumers are too smart for that in this space (overall).