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mirrorcoloured t1_j7hum3j wrote

I think this says more about you than Google.


hemphock t1_j7i4tqx wrote


mirrorcoloured t1_j7l8e29 wrote

Wow I didn't expect numbers that high! I wonder if there's a large AA/reddit overlap, or if that's representative of search as a whole.

Google is showing a steady increase in reddit interest over time, and the second related query I see is "what is reddit". It's interesting that it's roughly linear and doesn't have the increasing growth that you'd expect from word-of-mouth spread.


hemphock t1_j7mtsvp wrote

yeah it's been like that for years. idk reddit is just a well moderated website with lots of small communities around a lot of topics. i think the lifecycle of its communities is the secret sauce. communities will peak and then get crappy (pretty reliably imo) but you can just leave and join new ones.

i dont think the 70% is a good sample though. its a poll of user responses to