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bartturner t1_j7lugv5 wrote

Geeze. Who do you think invented Transformers?

NO!!! GANs were invented by Ian while he was working at Google. It is a pretty interesting story.

The vast majority of the major AI breakthroughs from the last decade+ came from Google.

OpenAI really does NOT do R&D. THey more use the R&D from others and mostly Google.


harharveryfunny t1_j7lvevz wrote

See page 1 footnote : "Goodfellow did this work as a UdeM student".


bartturner t1_j7lwvdt wrote

Ha! Go listen to Lex's podcast. Ian explains it all and it was ALL while working at Google.


harharveryfunny t1_j7ly2jz wrote

And then he travelled back in time to go write that paper at U.Montreal ?

Anyways, Schmidhuber was the real inventor ;-)


bartturner t1_j7lza3y wrote

Go listen to the podcast and Ian explains it all. Plus no Schmidhuber was NOT the inventor. It was Ian.

Go listen to the podcast and get back to me.

The key AI R&D from the last decade plus has all come from Google. Not from OpenAI and most definitely not from Microsoft.