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daking999 t1_j8yao4j wrote

Oh nice. Please can you get invoice based billing set up so I can have my university pay for my students' Colab subscription!


ckperry t1_j8ygy9m wrote

I was so close to getting this and then our partner team got hit by layoffs which set us back. Hoping before next school year to have something (not perfect), but we'll see.


daking999 t1_j91mtko wrote

Good to hear, thanks. That's when I'm teaching next so would be great. It's a fantastic resource for teaching ML but frustrating when students hit the GPU cap. My university also won't let the students pay for Colab Pro on their .edu google account themselves, some legal nonsense. Some of them end up paying on their personal google accounts but then it's awkward needing to share the notebooks again (and I feel bad about the students paying when it should really be the school).