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coconautico OP t1_ja3ujgs wrote

According to OpenAI's terms of service, I'm the owner of the input (i.e., my question), which implies that they can use, modify, and distribute my input for the purpose of operating and improving the ChatGPT system, but they can't do anything to prevent me from using my data in other systems.


LetterRip t1_ja4d12c wrote

It appears they have changed the ToS. It used to restrict usage of output.


sebzim4500 t1_ja87cym wrote

> You may not [...] (iii) use the Services to develop foundation models or other large scale models that compete with OpenAI


coconautico OP t1_ja8abnh wrote

I can't use the output of ChatGPT to train other systems, but I can use my input however I want because, according to the TOS, I'm the owner of it.


sebzim4500 t1_ja8agwp wrote

Are you using the output of ChatGPT to determine which inputs you copy across and which ones you don't? If not, I agree that you are probably in the clear. Otherwise idk.


coconautico OP t1_ja8dbew wrote

No, I don't, because even if chatGPT could answer my question correctly, that doesn't mean that another assistant could.

Therefore, when I come up with a question that, from my point of view could be challenging to answer by a virtual assistant, and regardless of whether I have searched Google/Reddit/StackOverflow/ChatGPT/... for the answer, I end up typing it on OpenAssistant, (again, just my question).