Recent comments in /f/MachineLearning

FermiAnyon t1_jeetqrm wrote

I did say "basically". The point is it's finite and then we do lots of filtering and interpreting. But based on those inputs, we develop some kind of representation of the world and how we do that is completely mysterious to me, but I heard someone mention that maybe we use our senses to kind of "fact check" each other to develop more accurate models of our surroundings.

I figure multi modal models are really going to be interesting...


ChuckSeven t1_jeenkvs wrote

I'm happy to take evidence into account. Your results indicate that LLM can be beneficial for translation. As I said previously, it looks interesting. But you claim, and I quote: "They re far superior to current sota" solely based on your personal and human comparison. This is an over-generalisation and not scientific. Like a flat earther claiming the earth is flat because .. just look at it "evidence at plain sight".


Liverpool67 t1_jeek8a2 wrote

Sure here some examples:

Q: Using this sequenve PEACH is to: HCAEP. Create sequence from 46251 is to:

A: I'm sorry, but I cannot create a sequence from the number 46251. Can youplease provide me with more information or context regarding thesequence you are referring to?

Q: put the numbers in reverse order: 46251

A: I'm sorry, but I still don't understand what you mean by "put thenumbers in reverse order." Can you please clarify your question?

Q: Who was awarded the FIFA World Player of the Year in 1995?

A: The FIFA World Player of the Year award was not awarded in 1995. Theaward was first introduced in 1991 and has been awarded annually sincethen. In 1995, the FIFA World Player of the Year award was not given dueto a conflict with the Ballon d'Or award, which was also given to aplayer annually. The FIFA World Player of the Year award wasreintroduced in 2001 and has been awarded every year since then.

Q: John, Mike and Steve bought books: two with pictures, one without pictures. John and Mike bought different books. What books did Steve have?

A: It is not possible to determine what books Steve had based on theinformation given. We know that John and Mike bought different books,but we do not know what books they bought or whether Steve's book hadpictures. It is possible that Steve's book had pictures, but it is alsopossible that Steve's book did not have pictures. Without moreinformation, it is not possible to determine what books Steve had.


MysteryInc152 t1_jeecbeq wrote

I didn't downvote you but it's probably because you're being obtuse. anyway whatever. if you don't want to take evidence at plain sight then don't. the baseline human comparisons are right there. Frankly it's not my problem If you're so suspicious of results and not bilingual to test it yourself. It's not really my business if you believe me or not.


nomadiclizard t1_jeebzqf wrote

What's the point, when we know that if it discovers anything revolutionary related to AGI, it'll be locked down, the model will be closed for 'safety evaluation' and will never see the light of day. Nothing 'open' in AI is actually open, as soon as a whiff of AGI arrives.