Recent comments in /f/MachineLearning

nbviewerbot t1_jegobo2 wrote

I see you've posted a GitHub link to a Jupyter Notebook! GitHub doesn't render large Jupyter Notebooks, so just in case, here is an nbviewer link to the notebook:

Want to run the code yourself? Here is a binder link to start your own Jupyter server and try it out!

^(I am a bot.) ^(Feedback) ^(|) ^(GitHub) ^(|) ^(Author)


Long_Educational t1_jegm6fp wrote

There is too much money at stake for there not to be additional invisible weights that are able to be tweaked by Twitter behind the scenes.

For example, I would imagine a 2 billion dollar stake by the Saudi's would purchase huge influence. This goes for anyone else that Elon "hangs" with during the Olympics or the Superbowl, or FIFA WorldCup.