Submitted by vladosaurus t3_1183ilc
Submitted by Ashb0rn3_ t3_1182mkd
Submitted by cccntu t3_1182fqd
Submitted by SandraPlugged t3_118220r
Submitted by deluded_soul t3_1181g88
Submitted by lorentzofthetwolakes t3_117zvei
Submitted by Valachio t3_117o8t2
Submitted by AlmightySnoo t3_117iqtp
Submitted by alik31239 t3_117blae
Submitted by head_robotics t3_1172jrs
Submitted by DevarshTare t3_11725n6
Submitted by aumzzzz t3_116sttj
Submitted by mrwafflezzz t3_116nm8c
[R] [N] In this paper, we show how a conversational model, 3.5x smaller than SOTA, can be optimized to outperform the baselines through Auxiliary Learning. Published in the ACL Anthology: "Efficient Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems with Response Selection as an Auxiliary Task."
Submitted by radi-cho t3_116kqvm
Submitted by LegendOfHiddnTempl t3_1169uzy
Submitted by westeast1000 t3_1167hw9
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11d4ka5
Submitted by I_like_sources t3_1163xou
Submitted by jermainewang t3_11d5jxl
Submitted by I_will_delete_myself t3_115z9hc
Submitted by MysteryInc152 t3_115x1it