Submitted by likeamanyfacedgod t3_y9n120
Submitted by shahaff32 t3_y22rk0
Submitted by gahaalt t3_ypkfwq
[R] [N] In this paper, we show how a conversational model, 3.5x smaller than SOTA, can be optimized to outperform the baselines through Auxiliary Learning. Published in the ACL Anthology: "Efficient Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems with Response Selection as an Auxiliary Task."
Submitted by radi-cho t3_116kqvm
Submitted by mrx-ai t3_zgr7nr
Submitted by olmec-akeru t3_z6p4yv
Submitted by carlthome t3_10mhbqv
Submitted by RingoCatKeeper t3_zypzrv
Submitted by tysam_and_co t3_10op6va
Submitted by juliensalinas t3_11tqryd
Submitted by unofficialmerve t3_zd3n8s
Submitted by robotphilanthropist t3_zh2u3k
Submitted by SleekEagle t3_ye0iw7
Submitted by balthierwings t3_122q3h7
Submitted by hardmaru t3_yxf875
Submitted by 0x00groot t3_y7u6gg
Submitted by fromnighttilldawn t3_y11a7r
Submitted by [deleted] t3_y5t06i
Submitted by Zestyclose-Check-751 t3_z5domj