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Twerks4Jesus t1_jdsmuxu wrote

Nah, fuck lawns. Put some bee friendly seed down. You'll save on water and have beautiful flowers.


PencillCat t1_jdso222 wrote

That's what I plan on doing for my backyard. Doing a trial run of clover and wildflowers around the areas I don't need to mow.


Twerks4Jesus t1_jdso9at wrote

Last few years we haven’t cut the lawn and let the clover grow and bees go crazy over the clover and dandelions.


hagak t1_jdvjpup wrote

This I am interested in. I am trying to reduce my mowing as much as possible. Currently just have to mow a small backyard area and a larger but still not that big leach field area. I have been putting wildflower mixes down in areas that I have no need to walk in (some of the wildflowers get thick and TALL). If switching from very unmaintained grass (I just mow, nothing else) what is involved to go to clover? Will the clover overtake most of the existing grass or will have still have really tall grass coming up. Reason is both areas require some foot traffic and it is not fun walking through tall grass.


Twerks4Jesus t1_jdvk0hp wrote

Even of you hold off on mowing for a bit it can help bees get some food.


hagak t1_jdvkdap wrote

oh i do, i barely mow every other week and I dont start until June. Cause I hate mowing and we do have some clover and dandelions and like I said I have a nice amount of wildflowers, butterflies and humming birds love it. I see a few bees but not much.


Twerks4Jesus t1_jdvm58h wrote

Oh nice! Get a lot honey and bumble bees. Funny enough get very few hummingbirds. I plant a lot of Zinnias and the butterflies and goldfinches go after them.


iceflame1211 t1_jdswt76 wrote

Clover grew insanely fast and thick for me. Best of luck


joftheinternet t1_jdsq5xx wrote

Along those lines, when’s a good time to put down clover seeds?


PencillCat t1_jdsrdqd wrote

I've read anytime between late winter to early fall will work, early spring being a good time due to it being cool/wet and because seedlings are slow to start. I think it probably depends on the kind of clover too?


siebzy t1_jdsrtm5 wrote

When the air temps are consistently above 50 degrees. We seeded micro clover in early September only to have it get totally washed out in a series of heavy thunderstorms. Will be trying again probably late April.


wallonien t1_jdsssjp wrote

You can have both. I have a nice lawn in front of my house and lots of wilderness behind where the bees can thrive.


Twerks4Jesus t1_jdstbaq wrote

Nah, fuck monoculture of any form.
