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Grmmff t1_jdtybsf wrote

Reply to comment by PencillCat in Maine Yard Care by AppointmentNo3240

Thank you! I'm mostly concerned with keeping ticks of my 7 month old. I want to spend as much time outside as possible. But I also worry that finding ticks on my baby will break my poor sleep deprived mind.

Our backyard is also surrounded by woods...


PencillCat t1_jdtzg4s wrote

Understandable. Generally ticks like to hang out on shrubs and tall grasses (where they can jump onto people/animals that walk by). I've only encountered ticks on my property when dealing with the tall weeds that grow along the edges of the woods, never just hanging out on my lawn. They kind of like wet/shaded areas the most. So as long as long as you take precautions in areas like that you'll be fine. But it's also a good idea to get in the habit of doing a "tick check" everytime you come inside. It takes a little while for the buggers to really latch on, so routine checks are a good habit.